Clemco Classic Blast Machine Model 1642 ACS (Abrasive Cut-off Switch) HP (High Pressure Breathing System) Complete Package, Portable, 2 cuft - 200lbs., with 1 inch Piping.
The 2 cuft classic blast machine holds 2 cubic feet (approximately 200 lbs.) of abrasive blast media. This portable blast machine has 1” piping and comes with a Quantum Auto Metering Valve (AQV) and remote control system. If using a No. 5 (5/16-inch) blast nozzle, you can expect approximately 15 minutes of productive blasting at 80 psi.
Quantum Auto Metering Valve
The AQV is a pneumatically operated and easily adjustable media valve that precisely measures all common blast media, including expendable mineral and slag abrasives.
Remote Controls
The included TLR-100C remote control system is equipped with an Abrasive Cut-off Switch (ACS), which permits the operator to shut off the abrasive flow for clearing the blast hose and for blowing down the surfaces after blasting.
Package Details
This high-performance and versatile high pressure blast machine package can remove contamination, corrosion, mill scale, and coatings from most surfaces with the added benefit of portability. The included high pressure (HP) package provides everything necessary to begin blasting with an air compressor (to be used with the included HP respirator).
This cost-effective package includes
- TLR-100 remote controls with Abrasive Cut-off Switch
- 1" screen, abrasive trap
- 1 pair leather gloves
- 16" diameter machine screen
- CPF 20 breathing air filter w/regulator
- NHP-1 (nylon) holder, 3/4" ID
- APL 60/600 cover lenses, .0075" (25 pk)
- Respirator hose, 3/8" x 50 ft extn
- Safety cable 1-1/2" to 3" OD
- Blast machine cover 45" x 54" poly
- CQPS-1 (nylon) coupling
- CQGP-2 coupling gasket (10 pk)
- Air Filter(MS), 1" MD (SMC)
- Supa blast hose 1" ID x 50ft cpld
- TMP-5 nozzle 5/16" x 6-1/4" Contr
- Quantum Auto Metering Valve w/ fittings
- Lenses, intermed, APL600/60, 5-pk
- APL 600HP DLX helmet w/CCAC
- Washers, NW-25 (10 pk)
FAQ: The difference between High Pressure Breathing Systems and Low Pressure Breathing Systems packages?