Clemco's 6 CU FT classic blast machines have an abrasive media capacity of 6 cubic feet (600 lbs). These portable machines have either a 1" piping or 1 ¼” piping.
600-pound capacity blast machines, both the 1" piping or 1 ¼” piping, are available in a number of options:
- Complete high pressure (HP) package (with or without ACS and only available with 1 ¼” piping),
- Complete low pressure (LP) package (only available with 1 ¼” piping),
- With flat sand valve (FSV) and with or without remote control,
- With remote control system (without ACS) and flat sand valve,
- With remote control system, ACS, and automatic quantum valve,
- With remote control system (without ACS) and manual quantum valve.