How to Connect Supplied Air to the Clemco Comfort Vest

How to Connect Supplied Air to the Clemco Comfort Vest

By on Jul 23rd 2018

A common question we get here at is how to hook up your Clemco Comfort Vest. These one-size-fits-most vests are perfect for cooling down in the summer months or even warming up when it’s cold out. They’re lightweight and make the perfect addition to your blasting equipment.

The Air Control Valve

One of the main misconceptions is that you can use an existing air control valve that is cooling or heating the air to your Apollo Respirator. Although the ACV’s are the same, you cannot share one for both your breathing air respirator and Comfort Vest.

A separate airline must be run from your compressor to the Comfort Vest connection kit. You then hook your connection kit to your Climate Control Tube or Clem Cool Air Conditioner. You will need 20 CFM of air to supply either cool or warm air to the vest.

Grade D Breathing Air

In addition to the separate airline feeding your vest, if it is worn underneath your cape you will need the air supply to be Grade D Breathing Air. This is because the air that is cooling you through your vest is escaping out under your cape and working its way into the operators’ respirator.

This means you must filter the air utilizing a device like the CPF-20 Air Filter. By taking out the brass plug in the tee you can run two air supply lines to the operator. You must keep in mind now that you will need twice the CFM amount going to your filter if you are running two cooling or heating devices. That would be 40 CFM to the filter and whatever you need for you blast pot.

If you have any questions or are considering buying the Clemco Comfort Vest, you can reach out to our customer service team at any time!

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