
R/C Hoses

Pneumatic remote controls require a twinline remote control hose to operate the R/C system and control blasting. These coupled twinline hoses provide air between the RLX pneumatic handle and the remote control valves. A twinline remote control hose is available in 25ft. and 50ft. lengths and can be connected. However, operations requiring more than 100 feet of hose should use an electric remote control system.

A shorter length of coupled hose is also used to connect to the inlet valve (inbound line and outbound line) and the longer length of twinline hose. These lengths of air hose correspond to the remote system used on the machine. TLR-50 remote control system requires a 3-foot hose, while TLR-100 and TLR-300 remote systems require a 5-foot coupled hose.

On classic model blast machines, the air hose is also used to connect the inlet and the outlet valve. The length of hose depends on the size of your blast machine. Contractor series blast machines do not require this type of hose because the inlet and outlet valve functions are contained in a single assembly.

R/C Hoses

Pneumatic remote controls require a twinline remote control hose to operate the R/C system and control blasting. These coupled twinline hoses provide air between the RLX pneumatic handle and the remote control valves. A twinline remote control hose is available in 25ft. and 50ft. lengths and can be connected. However, operations requiring more than 100 feet of hose should use an electric remote control system.

A shorter length of coupled hose is also used to connect to the inlet valve (inbound line and outbound line) and the longer length of twinline hose. These lengths of air hose correspond to the remote system used on the machine. TLR-50 remote control system requires a 3-foot hose, while TLR-100 and TLR-300 remote systems require a 5-foot coupled hose.

On classic model blast machines, the air hose is also used to connect the inlet and the outlet valve. The length of hose depends on the size of your blast machine. Contractor series blast machines do not require this type of hose because the inlet and outlet valve functions are contained in a single assembly.

  • Air Hose, 3/16" x 3 ft - Coupled

    Air Hose, 3/16" x 3 ft - Coupled


    $38.50 msrp
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  • Air Hose, 3/16" x 5 ft - Coupled

    Air Hose, 3/16" x 5 ft - Coupled


    $48.50 msrp
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  • Clemco Air Hose Union, 3/16 inch

    Clemco Air Hose Union, 3/16 inch


    $13.78 msrp
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  • Clemco Air Hose, 3/16 inch x 50 ft., Coupled #03087

    Clemco Air Hose, 3/16 inch x 50 ft., Coupled


    $124.00 msrp
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  • Clemco Air Hose, 3/16 x 18 inch, Coupled

    Clemco Air Hose, 3/16 x 18 inch, Coupled


    $28.19 msrp
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  • Clemco Air Hose, Twinline, 25 Foot, Coupled

    Clemco Air Hose, Twinline, 25 Foot, Coupled


    $93.00 msrp
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  • Clemco Air Hose, Twinline, 3 Foot, Coupled

    Clemco Air Hose, Twinline, 3 Foot, Coupled


    $63.58 msrp
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  • Clemco Air Hose, Twinline, 5 Foot, Coupled

    Clemco Air Hose, Twinline, 5 Foot, Coupled


    $63.00 msrp
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  • Clemco Air Hose, Twinline, 50 Foot, Coupled

    Clemco Air Hose, Twinline, 50 Foot, Coupled


    $145.00 msrp
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  • Hose End, 3/16" reusable

    Hose End, 3/16" reusable


    $15.50 msrp
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